When the death of a loved one is imminent, our pastors are honored to pray with you.
Please call the church at 817-274-2571 or email our staff.
If this is after office hours, please call: 817-274-2571 and the pastor on call will return your call as soon as possible.
When the death has occurred, our pastors and staff would also be honored to provide the service for your loved one here at the church, at the funeral home, or graveside depending on the family’s decision.
For many of our members and their families, First United Methodist Church of Arlington is a crucial part of their lives.
As members of this community of faith, we are drawn closer to God and each other. As we grow in our faith through the sacrament of baptism, participating in worship, singing in the choir and serving God, we share some of the most important experiences of our lives.
So it is only natural that the church—which is a cornerstone of the city’s history—be the final resting place for those who choose it. Just steps away from the Sanctuary and Vandergriff Chapel, the columbarium provides a sacred space for our loved ones.
This holy place offers a peaceful setting for prayer, meditation, thanksgiving and remembering.
What Is A Columbarium?
The word columbarium comes from the Latin word columbary, which is a structure for the nesting of doves—the dove being the symbol of God’s spirit and peace. A columbarium refers to a burial vault for the containment of urns holding cremated remains.
It is an old term and an old tradition used for centuries here and abroad.
Once completed, the Columbarium at FUMC of Arlington will have 14 units containing 560 limestone and granite niches, each capable of holding two urns.
Where Is It Located?
The covered walkway, between the Sanctuary and Vandergriff Chapel, has been converted into a secure area with new lighting, porcelain tile flooring, architectural grillwork, stained glass, granite benches, potted landscape and religious art.
Why Select A Columbarium Niche?
Selecting the columbarium simplifies the planning process since there is no need to shop for a burial plot, casket, vault, or monument. Services can be held at the church.
Find out more
Have questions? Please contact our Columbarium Coordinator, Taylor Jackson.